Book Club



I love books. I mean LOVE them. I usually am in process of reading anywhere from 3-5 books at any given time (although now with two children the term reading may actually mean a sentence here and there 😉 ) and if presented with the chance to determine a free moment in time, I will typically choose to read.

As I prepare for the coming year, I have decided that there is a list of influential books that re-reading on an annual basis could be incredibly beneficial (and fun!). If you would like to join me, the following list are books that I have found to be life changing and will be reading (and probably posting on) in the respective months of 2016.

January: Ordering Your Private World by Gordon MacDonald

February: 5 Secrets of Living by Warren Wiersbe

March: The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren

April: The Strategy of Satan by Warren Wiersbe

May: The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson

June: Screamfree Marriage by Hal Runkel

July: The Bumps are What You Climb On by Warren Wiersbe

August: The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian

September: In a Pit with A Lion on a Snowy Day by Mark Batterson

October: One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp

November: The Blessing by Gary Smalley

December: The Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp

Happy Reading!! ♥

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